Author: Malinda Lo
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Release Date: September 18th, 2012
Summary (from Goodreads):
Reese and David don’t remember what happened to them after a bird flew into their headlights on the Extraterrestrial Highway--not the resulting car accident and certainly not a bit of the 21 days of care at the military hospital in Nevada. It’s a good thing, the doctors and colonels tell them, that they crashed on a military base, but they won’t tell Reese and David what the extent of their injuries were, or how they were healed. They do tell them they’re not going home, though, until they sign a confidentiality agreement.
When they get home, Reese can’t help but find everything a little weird. Worldwide bird strikes resulting in plane crashes have grounded air travel, David won’t talk to her, and she could swear she’s seen her military doctors around the neighborhood. It’s only when she meets Amber Grey that things in her life begin to really fall apart, and the mysteries of the bird strikes, the military, and her own treatment come together. Reese realizes that she must find out what they did to her in that hospital, but her search for the truth threatens to expose a vast global conspiracy that the government has worked for decades to keep secret.
What if we aren’t alone in the universe? What if the alien is inside us?
Why I Look Forward to This: Isn't that cover freaky? This sounds like a fantastically weird sci-fi novel -- I think I read somewhere that this was written as a tribute to the X-Files. I haven't read Malinda Lo's other works yet, but Ash and Huntress have been in my TBR list for ages, and I'm really pleased with her inclusion of LGBT characters. All in all, this sounds like a great read.
What are you waiting on this Wednesday?
I'm not so much into sci-fi, but it sure does sound interesting. And sure enough, the cover is outright creepy! Hope you'll enjoy. ;)
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